Tuesday, September 8, 2009

God Sized Butt Whippin!

Man! Don't you just hate those?!

I wish I didn't have this stupid flesh of mine. Long story short, God showed me today through someone else what a horrible job I have been doing at "shining my light before men." I know that you can only move forward when you get a spankin from God, but Man it's so hard! I know that is from Satan because Christ doesn't condemn us. I realize today how many opportunities I have missed out on and how horrible of a job I am doing at being a "leader". It really hurts my heart to be honest.

Thank God for 2nd chances. Thank God that his mercies are new each morning. Thank God that he has never nor will he ever give up on me! Thank God that he remembers that I am dust...


Kristi said...

So funny that you posted this today ~ our preacher made reference to "opening a can" on someone this Sunday.
Our God is amazing, isn't He?

Larisa said...

Ha, its those butt whippens that I am thankful for! He is so awesome!

Christy said...

Girl I can relate more than you know! Thanks for sharing!